For Immediate Release:
March 7, 2014

Contact: Stacy Morse
(573) 751 - 3599

ACCESS Team to Host Rock Enroll Event to Answer Questions about Health Care Marketplace Enrollment

JEFFERSON CITY — Senator Joseph Keaveny, D-St. Louis, encourages constituents of the 4th Senatorial District who need help answering questions or enrolling in a health care marketplace plan to attend a Rock Enroll event from 2-7 p.m., on Saturday, March 8, at the Blank Space, 2847 Cherokee Street.

“The March 31 deadline to enroll in a Health Insurance Marketplace is fast approaching. Many may not understand that failure to enroll in a plan means they will not have health coverage, or may face a financial penalty,” Sen. Keaveny said. “By not registering by March 31, people will miss out on a chance to take advantage of cost-reducing tax cuts and cost sharing. This event will help with enrollment and answer any last-minute questions.”

The event will also feature live music, free food, contests and more. Certified Application Counselors will be on hand to answer questions.

For more information regarding this legislation, contact the ACCESS Team at (314) 256-2148.